Chicken pox is a very common childhood illness and although there is nothing that can really help treat it as such it can make your little one pretty uncomfortable when the spots become itchy. Here are a few natural remedies that can soothe itching, irritable skin.

1.       Honey

A remedy that dates back as far as The Ancient Egyptians who used raw honey to heal wounds, with its natural antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties it helps kill the virus that causes chickenpox while reducing redness and soothing itching. It also helps to heal the scabs and prevent scarring when applied to the spots regularly.

  • Thinly apply to chickenpox
  • Leave it on 15 – 25 minutes and then rinse off
  • Repeat this process 2-4 times a day   
2. Oatmeal Bath

This is a great one for general dry skin and eczema symptoms as it helps to soothe irritated skin. When added to the bath it can help relieve pain and itching and reduce irritation.

  •  Add two cups of oatmeal to some muslin and tie a knot in the top or tie with an elastic band
  • Run the bath and leave the muslin under the tap so that the water runs through the oatmeal.
  • The bath will go cloudy which is fine
  • Soak in the milky bath for 10-15 minutes to soothe itching
  • Repeat regularly
3. Baking Soda

Baking soda helps to restore the skins natural pH balance. This is great for relieving itching and irritation.

  • Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water
  • Apply this mixture to the skin and allow to dry
  • Bath to rinse off
  • Repeat regularly


  • Add ½ cup of Baking soda to the bath
4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another old tradition, its healing properties help to soothe, cool and moisturize the skin.

  • Slice open a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and apply the gel directly to chickenpox.

Another tip – slice it into small pieces and add to the freezer to cool – use when needed for flare ups, cooling and soothing

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral compound that contains magnesium and sulphate. An old remedy that has many health benefits, directly absorbed through the skin it helps to reduce inflammation, flushes out toxins and improves absorption of nutrients

  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath.
  • Soak for 15- 20 minutes

Additional – you could also add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to calm and soothe, a spoonful of coconut oil which is antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial

 6. Thieves Oil Bath

Thieves is an essential oil blend of clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and various spices (read more on Thieves and its health benefits here) it is antiviral and helps boost your immune system to fight off infection.

  • Add 3 drops * of thieves oil and a spoonful of coconut oil to a warm bath
  • Soak for 10 – 15 minutes

 * always read the instructions on your essential oils as they vary in strength

 7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is anti-bacterial and anti-viral so can help kill viruses. Please note as with most essential oils it should never be applied directly onto skin

  • Mix 2-4 drops of tea tree oil with 2-3 tablespoons of a carrier oil ( like coconut oil or almond oil )
  • Gently melt the coconut oil, add the tea tree and let cool.
  • Apply to the chickenpox and leave on for 5- 10 minutes, then wipe with a clean, wet cloth
  • Be careful as with any essential oil when applying to skin – always read the dosage instructions

If you are feeling like super mum and have some time, then there are also many natural Anti Itching creams out there that you can make at home with a few easy ingredients ….. Apply to the irritated areas to help soothe itching


1 x teaspoon good quality sea salt

1 x teaspoon Baking soda

2 x teaspoons bentonite clay

1 x tablespoon witch hazel

1 x teaspoon non nano zinc oxide powder (optional)

4-8 drops Essential Oil – Tea tree OR Peppermint Oil (optional)

  1. Grab yourself a small glass jar with a lid (preferably the one that you will store it in for ease) mix the sea salt, baking soda, bentonite clay and zinc powder
  2. Gradually add the witch hazel, stirring all the time until you get a creamy consistency.
  3. Add your essential oils and mix well.
  4. This will last up to 2 weeks if stored in an air tight jar


So here are my tips and a few remedies we keep in our health cupboard at home  …. I would love to hear how you have tackled Chicken Pox and Irritated skin too ……. x