Building Blocks



With all of the conflicting advice out there it is hard to know where to begin. When you want the best start for your family and are trying to make a healthy change.

We know what it is like here at Holistic Mum and Baby to want to make that change but not know where to start. I am a mum and I work with mums daily who are lacking in energy, not sleeping, have adrenal fatigue and generally don’t feel like themselves anymore! (I mean we rarely get to wee or shower by ourselves right?!) So, we would like to share with you a few things we have learnt along the way that don’t break the bank, are easy to do, improves overall health and wellbeing and can help with many common health issues. I would like to inspire you to create a healthy balanced lifestyle for you and your family that you can easily maintain. Give you the tools to get back to basics with healthy (not boring!) food, improve your sleep and energy levels so you can play with the kids and support you and your family in improving your overall health and lifestyle.

What you will receive

A 24 week plan to improve your families overall health, energy levels, look at common health issues and provide you with the tools you need to get that healthy happy lifestyle.

• Metabolic Type Testing
• FREE Consultation thoroughly explaining your metabolic type results and next steps
• A customised food list specific to you exploring foods that are beneficial to you and ones that are potentially not
• Weekly Feedback and Ongoing Support
• Bi Weekly Coaching and Resources
• Support with Meal Planning, cooking and healthy snack ideas
• Educational Resources on how to test for Food Intolerances
• Weekly Health tips and Natural Alternatives
• Tools to help you improve sleep, Increase energy levels, lose weight and how to cheat
• Access to simple, nutrient dense and delicious recipes
• Tutorials on easy meal prepping and healthy ‘convenience’ food for the kids
• Reduce symptoms of common health issues (eczema, asthma, common colds, hay fever) and boost your families immune system naturally

Metabolic Type Testing Briefly explained

Every man, woman and child are different in every way from hair colour to your build to the way you look. There is no ‘one size fits all’ So how, with the hundreds of diets out there sold to us yearly canthey say ‘This works for everybody’? When they have no idea of each individuals lifestyle, nutrition requirements, stress and so on …..

Metabolic Typing looks at you as an individual. By completing a small set of questionnaires we will be able to get a better idea of where your health is at right now and your body’s requirements.


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