What you will need:

1 medium – large cabbage (cored and sliced)

2 tablespoon sea salt

1 tablespoon caraway seeds (optional)

Filtered water

1 thin empty glass



In a large bowl mix the sliced cabbage, salt and caraway seeds.

With a wooden pounder pound the cabbage for approx. 10 – 20 minutes to release all of the juices (your arms will ache slightly but it will be worth it!)

Place it all into the Mason jar. You may need to add a little water to cover the cabbage.

With the lid of the jar open, place a muslin over the top of your jar and place a glass into the top to press the cabbage down. You are looking for it to be cabbage, a thin layer of juices/water and then the air (as above). The air must not get to the cabbage otherwise it will putrefy and go mouldy. Leave at room temperature for 2- 3 days.

After 2-3 days at room temperature, remove the glass and muslin, seal the jar and transfer to the fridge. It can be eaten immediately although improves the longer you leave it.