There is nothing like a warming cup of Hot Chocolate on a cold day (or any day for that matter) ……. What if I told you, you can now make one that is GOOD for you and has some nutritional value to it too ?!


What you will need:

1 & 1/4 cup almond milk

2 teaspoon raw cacao powder

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/2 tablespoon coconut oil

Optional extras : A natural sweetener if desired (honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup) plus more cacao for more chocolatey – ness !

To add a little kick: cinnamon, ginger, 1 teaspoon nut butter, natural peppermint extract or natural orange extract

Alternatively you can use coconut or cashew milk too


On a low heat melt the coconut oil, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and enjoy ……. You are welcome. x